Dual-Diagnosis Rehab and Recovery Experience
The Cape Town Dual-Diagnosis Package
We offer our fully and individually tailored Dual-Diagnosis Rehab and Recovery Package on the same basis and at the same incredible low, local rates, as all of our other 'CapeRecovery Experiences' (recommended duration of 3-12 months) and we use a brilliant dual-diagnosis registered rehab for the initial and vitally important month of detox and primary rehab. From there, we tailor everything to the individuals requirements with the options of continued care or sober living with all the varied social events, activities and voluntary opportunities that we make available to every one of our clients. It really is the perfect way to visit a beautiful country and get some space and time out to address all the complex issues in an effective way and at the same time, receive truly world class treatment at the ever low and reasonable CapeRecovery local prices!
We felt the need to develop our unique, fairly priced and fully tailored rehab and recovery packages because of the complex nature of addiction and associated problems. As a result we can now cater for the most complex addictions (drug and alcohol), process addictions (Gambling, Gaming, Sex, Love, Porn, etc), dual-diagnosis issues (including depression) and eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia, binge-eating, food addiction, ED questions, ED rehab, etc.) and any mixture of them all. Every person must have an individual care plan as every person requires fully personalised treatment so we only work with the best specialist rehabs, clinics and treatment centres from primary, secondary and tertiary treatment to extended care and supported sober living. We look after the client and the family back home at every stage of the rehabilitation process and encourage social engagement with a vibrant recovery community here in Cape Town and some exciting volunteering opportunities! The CapeRecovery Experiences really are the only complete rehab and recovery packages of their kind!