Drugs, Drug Addiction and Drug Rehab
At CapeRecovery we have tailored treatment options for all drugs and every drug addiction imaginable, we are in fact, the drug rehab South Africa experts and take the perfect placement and care of our clients very seriously. We only hand pick the best treatment centres to work with, often through personal experience. If you or someone you care about has a drug problem just take a look at the list below and find out all you need to know about a specific drug and the treatment options available. If there is a drug you are concerned about that is not listed below then please Contact Us and I will look into it for you and add the information for others here.
The CapeRecovery Experience
Often a persons drug use and subsequent addiction is a symptom of other underlying issues, such as a behavioural addiction, a mental health issue or even an eating disorder. It is often hard to get to the real issues as one can accelerate the other or people may simply be self-medicating, trying to mask trauma, depression or any of the above. We deal with any combination of these because we have choice and lowest ever cost at rehabs, treatment centres and clinics and at all stages of the rehabilitation process (primary, secondary, tertiary, continued care and sober living) that specialise in them all. This is what makes us unique as we treat the persons needs rather than push them to a particular place. Addiction is complex and individual and inappropriate placement costs lives.
Our totally unique and fully complete, client centred CapeRecovery Experiences are individually tailored and treat all addictions (including drugs and alcohol), process addictions (Gaming, Gambling, Sex, Porn, Love, etc), dual-diagnosis issues (including depression) and eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, food addiction, ED questions, ED rehab, etc.) and see each and every client smoothly through Rehab, Continued Care, Secondary and Tertiary Rehab and Supported Sober Living with many complimentary therapies, social activities and meetings with the Recovery Community in Cape Town and even Volunteering Opportunities. It really is the only complete rehab and recovery, life changing experience, of it's kind!