Alcohol is everywhere and it is arguably one of the most damaging drugs that people use every day. The problem is made worse by it being so sociably acceptable as people are virtually expected to drink alcohol in most social situations. Not everyone who drinks alcohol regularly is an alcoholic or has an alcohol addiction, many people can easily control their intake even if they over do it from time to time, however, if a person is an addict then it can take hold of and destroy their lives and the lives of those close to them. Long term alcohol use is one of the most deeply ingrained addictions as it could have been going on for decades, thus, it usually needs to be managed carefully with effective alcohol treatment at an alcohol rehab, a primary rehab that provides a full medical detox facility. Long term sobriety requires a solid foundation, if you don't start off with the right support then it can easily go wrong. At Rehab Cape Town with CapeRecovery we only work with primary rehabs that are registered with a full medical detox unit as our clients safety is the only thing that matters to us. If you are going to do it, do it the CapeRecovery way as lives are at risk if withdrawing alone.
Alcohol Addiction
One of the most common, unnoticed and devastating amongst all addictions is alcoholism (i.e. alcohol addiction). Alcohol Addiction is very complex and is often combined with other existing addictions (drugs), process addictions or mental health issues such as depression. Of course, not every alcohol consumer is an alcoholic, but if you find yourself or somebody close to you begin and then uncontrollably use alcohol on a regular basis, be aware that there may well be a serious problem. In my experience, if you think you or someone else has a problem with alcohol it is usually true as the addict or people close are often the last to realise and accept it. Long term misuse of alcohol results in increased tolerance as well as physical dependence. Alcohol misuse can have disastrous effects to the consumer and these include:
Effects of Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Misuse and Alcohol Addiction:- epilepsy
- pancreatitis
- emotional distress
- social effects
- criminal behaviour
- diabetes
- heart problems
- gout
- liver failure
- kidney failure
- epilepsy
- pancreatitis
- emotional distress
- social effects
- criminal behaviour
- diabetes
- heart problems
- gout
- liver failure
- kidney failure
Social stigma can really hamper intervention, diagnosis and treatment, but it is a serious addiction and the effects are often fatal. The big difference that drinking has over other substances, aside from it being legal, socially acceptable and freely available, is that as an addiction to it can manifest over decades. The decline is so slow that it is often hard to identify just when it became a problem. This is especially dangerous because denial is strong in people who drink regularly. It is often only when they have stopped for a while that they can objectively look back and see the extent of the problems it was causing in their lives.
Contact us if you'd like to talk through what is going on for you or a loved one. We can objectively and honestly provide you with any assistance you might need.
Am I an Alcoholic?
If you are at the stage where you are still unsure if you or a loved one is an alcoholic and if they would benefit from a period of alcohol rehab then try answering these Simple Questions, if you can answer yes to three or more then it is likely that you or they do have a problem.
Alcohol Rehab
We have clinics in:
Cape Town
and all over
South Africa
and the UK
We have clinics in:
Cape Town
and all over
South Africa
and the UK
About CapeRecovery
''In my experience, drinking became a way of life from an early age, at first it was the normal thing to do, it was what everyone else of my age was doing, I didn't seem to be drinking any more or less than anyone else. The difference was that when they stopped that lifestyle and moved onto other things like marriage, having children and starting careers, these things took priority and they carried on with their lives. Drinking was always my priority and over the space of 20 years it cost me everything I had and destroyed the person I wanted to be.''
Simon Turner
Director (CapeRecovery)
I drank for approximately 25 years before reaching desperation and seeking alcohol rehab at an attempt at getting sober. Alcohol took away everything I had over time and I do wish that I had found the solution earlier, however I would not change anything now as my life is great and I've learnt so much from the rehab and recovery process.
If you are interested in hearing more about my struggles with addiction, check out my Addiction Blog.
I drank daily for over 15 years and daily drinking over a long period of time will certainly require a degree of medical support when detoxing as the risks are high. All our rehab centres provide the best medical detox prior to the extended rehabilitation period. This is always included in the cost for the first month of treatment.
If you want easily accessible and affordable alcohol treatment and alcohol rehab, wherever you are in the world, then Contact Us Now.
The CapeRecovery Experience
We have CapeRecovery Experience rehab and recovery packages for all addictions (drug and alcohol), process addictions (Porn, Love, Sex, Gambling, Gaming, etc.), dual-diagnosis issues (including depression) and all eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, food addiction, ED questions, ED rehab, etc.) and we guide each of our clients through the whole rehabilitation process, from rehab, primary rehab, continued care, secondary rehab, tertiary rehab and sober living (sober house). We also include social events and meetings with the vibrant Cape Town Recovery Community and Volunteering Opportunities for our overseas clients. It is the only complete, fairly priced, rehab and recovery package of its kind anywhere in the world!